We welcome you to join us in celebration of great achievements recorded in year 2022 as described in this report…

Rweru IDP Model village situated in Rweru sector, composed with 296 households which make up a total number of 1777 people, moved from the high risk zone areas (Mazane and Sharita islands situated in Bugesera districts)

 in 2016, used to survive by doing farming and fishing, the community was also struggling to access good health services, schools, roads and access to clean water, shelter and electricity and more…

It is our pleasure to present to you the Save
Generations Organization Mid-year narrative report
2022. From January to June 2022, our activities have
originated from our programs of intervention
including the Education program, child protection and
wellbeing, adolescents and youth sexual and
reproductive health and rights and Family Planning,

environment protection and climate change resilience,
youth and women socio-economic development,
emergency responses, We are proud to share you our interventions in the period of January to June 2022.

We are proud to present Save Generations Organization annual report for the year 2021. Over this year Save Generations Organization have achieved more as contained in this report…

Over this year Save Generations Organization expanded its interventions in different domains including education, child protection and wellbeing, adolescents and youth sexual and reproductive health and rights, 

environment protection and climate change resilience, youth and women socio-economic development, and emergency responses to the most affected communities by COVID-19…

The main objective of this report is to assess the implementation status of article 14 the Maputo Protocol in Rwanda. The Report highlights some commendable achievements made by the Government of Rwanda Vis a Vis the recommendations made by the African Commission

. It also provides potential grounds for legal reforms, policy changes and other measures aimed at improving women’s health rights…



You're welcome to Save  Generations  Organization a Rwandan Development and  Women's  rights  organization that works  to prepare,  empower  and  equip the future   generations,  with  the  aim  to  promote, protect,  and  advocate  for  children ,  youth  and women's  rights .

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