Debate Club for Change (DCC) Engagement.-May 2021

Save Generation Organization funded by Kvinna Till Kvinna assisted the right holders to form the debate club for change (DCC)  in four  new identified schools and the existing ones in Kamonyi and Gasabo districts where each club has 30 right holders (20 girls and 10 boys), this contributed to increase their capacity on sharing their SRHR views confidently through debate

2 sessions were engaged in both new and existing schools for improving knowledge of right holders and give them access to get safe space to discuss SRHR issues that affect them and increase knowledge sharing of SRHR right information through peer learning and various debates.

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You're welcome to Save  Generations  Organization a Rwandan Development and  Women's  rights  organization that works  to prepare,  empower  and  equip the future   generations,  with  the  aim  to  promote, protect,  and  advocate  for  children ,  youth  and women's  rights .

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