Training on Intersectionality approach to the Staff and Volunteers of Save Generations Organization

The ‘Make Way program is a program that aims to break down barriers to Sexual Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR) by promoting a new way of looking at, and organizing, SRHR issues, through an intersectional lens. This means making overlapping vulnerabilities visible to understand their effects on people’s SRHR. The Make Way project uses an intersectional approach to acknowledge systemic discrimination due to sexual orientation and identity and gender identity, race, economic status, immigration status, national origin, and ability, among other aspects of one’s identity, and that this systemic discrimination impacts access to opportunity. However, recognizing these multiple, systemic barriers to opportunity and multiple forms of prejudice in adopting an intersectional approach.

Save Generations Organizations funded by Akina Mama WA Africa is implementing 6 months’ project titled “Integration of intersectionality in Save Generations Organization program interventions “. The project aims at adoption of the intersectionality approach in Save Generations Organization programs of interventions, to achieve this, Save Generations Organization has prepared one-day training to its staffs /volunteers/ Interns and key stakeholders such as Health service providers on the concept of intersectionality approach and also how well it should be mainstreamed in the programs interventions and service provision.


The overreaching training objective is to increase knowledge and understanding on intersectionality approach to SGO staff, volunteers and stakeholders to enable them   mainstreaming intersectionality in Save Generations Organization program interventions and their daily activities.


Increasing knowledge and understanding on Intersectionality approach to 25 participants including Save Generations Organization staff, volunteers and key stakeholders such health service providers.

Increasing skills on approaches of integrating intersectionality in Save Generations Organization program interventions and our daily activities so that no one is left behind

Highlight key commitments on how intersectionality will be integrated and improve on inclusive SRHR service provisions in the respective organization / institution /schools. 

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You're welcome to Save  Generations  Organization a Rwandan Development and  Women's  rights  organization that works  to prepare,  empower  and  equip the future   generations,  with  the  aim  to  promote, protect,  and  advocate  for  children ,  youth  and women's  rights .

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